Saturday 30 November 2013

The Third Major Sin: Pride and Arrogance

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
(In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful)

Allah Most High says: 

Moses said: “Indeed, I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant one who does not believe in a Day of Reckoning.” (Al-Quran: Al-M’umin 40:27)

Allah does not love the arrogant. (Al-Quran: Al-Nahl 16:23)


Allah’s Messenger said:

“Allah made the earth swallow up a man who walked with a strut, and he will be tossed about in it with all his pomp until Day of Resurrection.”

Note: This man was Warun (Korah), mentioned in Al-Quran: Al-Qasas 28:76-82)

“The tyrants and the arrogants will be raised on the Day of Resurrection as lowly and abased as specks of dirt, trampled by people.”

Some scholars of earlier times have said that the first sin committer against Allah was pride. Allah Most High says:

And when Allah said to the angels: “Prostrate to Adam,” they all prostrated, except Iblis. He refused and was proud, and so he became one of those who deny Allah’s authority. (Al-Quran: Al-Baqarah 2:34)

Therefore, if anyone shows pride in front of Allah, like Iblis, his faith and deeds will not benefit him.

Allah’s Messenger said: 

“The one who has a grain of pride in his heart will not enter the Garden.” (Muslim)

Allah Most High says:

Truly, Allah does not love any arrogant boaster. (Al-Quran: Luqman 31:18)

Allah’s Messenger said:

“Allah says: “Greatness is My garment and majestic pride is My cloak. If anyone competes with Me for them, I will throw him into the Fire.” “ (Muslim)

“The Garden and the Fire had an argument. The Garden said: “What is wrong with me that no one enters me except the weak among the people and their discarded ones?” The Fire said: “I prefer the tyrants and the arrogants.”

Allah Most High says:

Do not turn your cheek to the people in scorn, nor walk upon earth insolently. Truly, Allah does not love any arrogant boaster. (Al-Quran: Luqman 31:18)

Salama bin Akwa’ said:

“A man ate with his left hand in the company of Allah’s Messenger. Allah’s Messenger told him: “Eat with your right hand.” He replied: “I cannot.” Allah’s Messenger said: “Then may you not!” What prevented him from listening to Allah’s Messenger was his pride. After that, he was unable to raise his right hand to his mouth.” (Muslim)

Allah’s Messenger said:

“Shall I inform you about the inhabitants of the Fire? Every cruel, rough, proud person!”

Ibn ‘Umar reported Allah’s Messenger as saying:

“Any man who walks haughtily and considers himself great will not meet Allah without Allah being angry with him.”

Abu Hurairah reported Allah’s Messenger as saying:

“Three kinds of people will enter the Fire first: A ruler who sets himself up as a lord over people; a man rich in property who does not pay the right of Allah (Zakat) from his property; and a vainglorious poor person (who deprives his family of their share from the public treasury because of his false dignity and false pride).”

Allah’s Messenger also said:

“On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will not look at three kinds of people; One who trails his clothes out of pride; one who recounts his favours to others in public; and one who sells his merchandise backed by false oaths.” (Bukhari)

The worst kind of pride is that of a learned person who considers himself great among people because of his knowledge. But his knowledge is of no benefit to him, because the one who seeks knowledge for the sake of the Hereafter is humble among people and his heart is full of fear of Allah. If his ego sometimes feels pride, he immediately checks it and reprimands it. Otherwise, he would stray from right conduct and would perish.

Anyone who seeks knowledge for the sake of gaining fame and fortune, and showing-off among the Muslims, is guilty of the worst of sins. No one will enter the Garden who has an atom’s weight of pride in his heart. There is no  might and no power except in Allah, the Most High, the Almighty!


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